Erin Maureen Koster

is running to be the next President of Equity.

“I’ve served on three negotiating teams in the last year or so and have heard our employers say over and over and over again that they don’t believe our contracts need fixing. In spite of this dogged commitment to the status quo, the teams I’ve served on have regularly achieved historic contractual gains because they’ve remained committed to staying aggressive, being strategic, and making sure the priorities at the bargaining table match the needs of the workers in our workplaces.

Aggressive. Strategic. Member-centered. That’s the kind of union we can have.

When my eldest child was born, I thought I had to leave the industry because my Off-Broadway salary didn’t even cover the cost of child care. It’s time to leave that version of the industry behind, and create a new, strong, powerful culture at Equity. With your help, I’m here to do it.”

Let’s Get Organized.


@KosterForPresident ✧

Follow along on Instagram as Erin answers questions about all things Equity, shares her vision for the union’s future, and puts glasses on everything and everyone!

Do you ALSO want to put glasses on everything and everyone?

We thought so.

Click here for the #KosterForPresident brand kit and get creative!



Interested in volunteering for Team Koster?

Fill out this form and someone will get back to you ASAP!